Entropy Series (2017)
Wood glue and Ink
Dimensions vary
The concept of ‘Entropy’ refers the behaviour of physical forces in terms of order gradually descending into disorder (Arnheim 1971:7). In terms of mixing, Entropy states that two substances can never mix exactly the same each time. The result is a form of diffusion, a physical process where molecules of a material move from an area of high concentration to an area of low concentration. The pieces form a parallel with the notions of ‘New Materialism’ in terms of artists and theorists that work within the discourse. According to Katve-Kaisa Kontturi (2012) the new materialist ontology of art “argues for understanding art, first and foremost, as ‘material becoming’. Becoming refers here to ‘process ontology’, which denies essentialist being and suggests that the world is always already moving. Thus materiality can be considered to always be something more than “mere” matter: it is an excess, force, vitality, relationality, or difference that renders matter active, self-organised, productive and unpredictable.
Artists such as Eva Hesse and her works entitled Repetition Nineteen III (1968) and Contingent (1969) as well as Penny Siopsis’s works, which explore the medium of glue and ink (2007) and On Kawara’s Date Paintings (1966-2013) all congeal through their influence on my work. Each artwork mentioned illustrates how it is a product of the collaboration between the artist and the materials, showing how matter is not still, concrete, but always on the move, taking shape in relation to other matters in movement, human and non-human alike.